Friday, November 01, 2002

So when asked who's best, Y'all should say...

Thanks for the music, man.


Yesterday was much better than the day before. The Japanese dialogue went perfectly; I was e-mailed my lines in the morning and memorized them by 2:00. So that's all copacetic. I turned in my idiot-forms, and my boss turned in a payment request form, so I should get paid in about a week. And I was able to sit at my table yesterday and study. Good for me.

So Holloween happened. A friend and I noticed during the day that only old and fat people dress-up around the campus, and these people are always good for a laugh. It's a shame that Holloween kind of dies once you hit college. It seems that if you aren't invited to some exclusive frat party in the evening, you don't get to celebrate. Then there are the people who don't even have a chance to celebrate because they have papers to write(Cody & Tristan... uh... mad props to you). So what did I do on Hollow's Eve? First I went to a going-away party for a friend's roomate. I guess it was fun, because everyone else was having a grand ol' time. Once that party seemed like it didn't need me anymore, I went to Jose's place and hung out with a handful of guys from around the world. When I look back on this year's Holloween, I will probably remember eating painfully-spicy curry rice, drinking a Budweiser and discussing what a foreigner can do in Taiwan with 50 bucks. My point? I have no point. I just thought I'd ramble about Holloween. Yeah, I had fun last night, but I didn't have to get fat and dress up like a vampire to do so.

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