Tuesday, August 24, 2004

"I hate half-assed flakes."

So lately I've been not doing much. Waiting to put a new roof on the house, playing Manhunt, and coming back to Corvallis only for a night only to find out that I'm screwed in the roommate department. If any of you people feel like moving in with me, please don't be shy.

But anyway, I did see a silly little Japanese horror film called Eko Eko Azarak. Here is a review by some guy who liked it way too much. My review would go something like this:
"So this woman's head explodes on the street, and some monks speak in tongues. Then we have a perverted school teacher, an evil school teacher, a kid with a Prince haircut, and an underdeveloped young witch character. Soon the movie become the best comedy of the summer, featuring such knee-slapping scenes as a girl getting killed (somehow) by a toilet, and a kid falling...er, flying down some stairs because his shoelaces are tied together. Haw haw! Throw in a lesbian sex scene and an evil axe, and you have the most accurate portrait of Japanese high school life ever put to film. Parents, grab the kids for some family fun. -BS"

Guess which one's face explodes!

Friday, August 13, 2004

are you a cool cowboy?

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber

Right now there is a handful of Japanese students wandering about the library's computer area. They are apparently being led on a tour by Shiho, who helped out in my Japanese class for a term. She is a delightfully pale little thing, with long black hair and eyes like Buddha.

...But I'm getting distracted. A few minutes ago I accidentally mistyped the address of The Flying Wheel and was taken to a "mega site of Bible studies". On the homepage I found links like "Jesus desk" and "Satan's voice", and a picture of Israel. I found the link about cults particularly interesting.

Here, see for yourself: http://www.wehatebrett.logspot.com

If you scroll down on the homepage you will find big pink words announcing "THE SOON COMING CLIMAX", followed by a thorough guide to the end of the world and why you should feel bad about it. And if you happen to make it to the bottom of the page, you will be invited to sign their "guestboo".

I just thought I'd share that with you. By the way, what is a winebibber?