Sunday, April 27, 2003

Dining Mac's Retro Peaceful-ness

Is it true that no two countries that have McDonalds have ever gone to war? Can the universally-recognized golden arches really prevent bloodshed? Are the fries just that good?? Well, we may never know for sure, but for now we can discard that issue and look at this. It's the plans for a new, ultra-stylish McDonalds(or Macadonadodos, or Dining Mac) being built in Tokyo. I figure a stunt like this wouldn't really make much of a difference in America; the arty hipster crowd probably wouldn't start trading their mochas for a filet-o-fish. But it is nice to know that the franchise is making an effort to stay hip, in Japan at least. Then again, even Q-Tip companies strive to be hip in Japan. So maybe it won't make much of a difference there, either. Of course, I forgot what I was talking about, so I will close by saying I am at computer No. 50, and there is no food or drink allowed in the library.

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