Wednesday, February 19, 2003

I will now rant about my "work":

For those of you who didn't know, I've been looking for a new part-time job. I grow weary of the one I have, and I grow weary of people asking me if I grow weary of it. Weary!! Not that there's anything wrong with the job; there is. But I just feel it's time for a change, for Christ's sake. I know it's boring and uneventful work, but I didn't mind that for a while. It was kind of like "Hey, there's a job like this. And I did it." That sort of thing. I'll admit, last term was more satisfying, because I had my precious Sunday shift. Sunday I would work for 6 hours, 3 of which I was on my own during the breakfast portion of the day, so I had a lot of things to keep me busy and I could go outside in the morning air and sweep and shit like that. For the second half of my shift my coworker Lance would join me, and we would spend the remaining hours of my shift not working, whipping things with our rags and discussing various trivial concepts. For example, Lance had an undying faith in pyramid schemes. He was convinced this would be his ticket to wealth and security. "You know they have programs that can send out 300,000 random e-mails a day?" he would ask me. "And I heard that with figures like that, you usually get a 1% response. That's still pretty good, man. Of course, I'd need something to sell..." He must have asked me twice more after first telling me his master plan "Hey, did I tell you about my e-mailing idea?" Then there were the discussions of Ouija boards, the existence of extra terrestrials, The Who.. all just to distract us from whatever we were supposed to be doing. For a while last term there was also a worker named Steve, who was a jolly chap, who would sing Queen songs while cleaning, and with whom I shared a few misadventures (the "woot" happening being the most amusing).

But Steve quit, and nowadays I don't work with Lance very often, and I don't have my Sunday shift, and some new girls have joined the team that just don't have that "this job is boring, so let's whip and break things" demeanor. Oh, how I would like to finally gain employment at the great Valley Library, returning to the duties I felt so at ease with in my later high school days. But they won't let me into their ranks. I think they have some kind of conspiracy. They got this one guy there who I swear was not there a couple months ago, yet they continue to tell me "the student jobs just aren't very frequent around here. Here's a computer programming job for graduate students, if you want to take a look at that." But I've got them. Their armor is slowly being chipped away, and soon the tender underbelly will be exposed, for I have been stealing their little half-pencils from the reference areas. I'm looking at one right now, here in mine own villa!! Har har har! What's this?? The Harpy's shriek!? Blast you, Agammemnon! And curse your son's righteous corpse!!

In other news, it was raining at the Daytona 500 when I watched it the other day, and it was funny to hear the guy driving the Viagra car say things like "I'm driving a real great car, and I think if we just keep pushing forward we can finish in a good position."

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