Thursday, February 06, 2003

I took my Japanese oral exam this afternoon. There were not many hesitations, and I think I did pretty well, but it went quick. Maybe too quick. The whole match was supposed to run about 5 minutes, and I was out of the ring after about 2. But oh well. Had it really been a Japanese shop rather than just a scenario, I would be content that I bought a small yellow umbrella, a grey handbag, 2 black pens, and 3 blue pens without having too much trouble.

So I saw the Walkmen last night. They did a great job; the singer seemed a little surly at the beginning, but they put up a nice wall of sound nonetheless with their beat-up instruments. They were sandwiched between a punk-rock piece of bread called Thermal and a big, wet slice of salami called Hot Hot Heat. I'm not quite sure what to think of the latter group. I remember thinking "this band is so bad they're kind of good." Some of their songs are catchy, and I suppose they are succeeding in whatever it is they are trying to do musically, but I still feel like I was laughing at them rather than with them. The major problems I had with 'triple H' are:
#1: The guitarist was one ugly sunovabitch.
#2: There was a large group of flaming homosexuals in the crowd singing along to every song.
#3: The lead singer played Journey-esque keyboard.
#4: The lead singer was wearing a Chicago t-shirt.
#5: They had tendency to suck.
Well, okay, I guess number 5 isn't an actual reason in itself, so you can just count number 3 twice. Anyhoo, I'm sure they are very nice boys.

Tristan says Jennie sends a lot of dumb forwards to Cody's email. Yay Jennie!

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