Tuesday, January 28, 2003

An Important Lesson to be Learned

Poor Apollo. So righteous, so wise, so handsome, and yet so unlucky with his loves. His first interest ran from him and prayed for her virginity to be kept, so she was transformed into a bush. His second love was good for a while, but then she started going with some mortal dogg, so Apollo had to send some hard, pipe-hittin' niggas to bust a cap in her skanky ass. His third is my favorite; he fell for a dude, and things were working out as well as something like that can, but then one day they were playing frisbee in a happy queer fashion when Apollo threw the disc a little too hard and busted the guy's brains out. Haw! Isn't that something? He killed the poor bastard!

Ah, classic Myth. I just know this information will prove invaluable someday. It's got to.

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