Monday, October 04, 2004

countryside putty: yet more fun with web translation.

It's time again to drop in on Emi Necozawa's web diary and see what kind of surreal adventures she's been having:

"With little thing, HipHop boy of black in quarrel. The boy about of 10 years old where it is involved beating, it cries. Pitiful!"

"First, I who am attached to the store can luster the eye right away with the underground. Oh, this it is good! Wooden torso of TOCA."

"You eat the countryside putty the time, mule where I painted the mustard, what it has done is? Cannot be that. With you say, is not. Huh? There is no mustard in the putty? The mustard is at the time of the sausage."

"But, the bean jam ball 'you became tired already. You became tired.'"

"The inside of the body is painful.... And also the jaw is painful. The ballet of yesterday it is to place the body. The jaw is consequence of the sandwich of kayzer."

I ain't no square in my corkscrew hair...

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