Wednesday, October 01, 2003

I think one just humped my leg

"Fighting the Freshman Fifteen" - title of the book I saw being read by a thin, bleached-blond, Abercrombie-wearing girl

There are too many new students this year. The commons are always super full. The sidewalks are hazardous. Kids on bikes are battling for their spot in the bike lane. The library is always packed and the computers are always being used, so I don't get as much precious computer time to write for you people. I don't remember there being so many kids last year. I guess OSU just opened the floodgates for all these little biting, knawing freshman and said bring your tired, your poor, your backwards hats and low-cut jeans. "They're crawling out of the sewers like rats, climbing up the flagpole, and eating away at our stars and stripes!!"

Until I get my phone working I have to use the internet at the library, and so far that has not been easy. Students hover about like vultures. The kid next to me just got pecked at - "Are you done??" -"No, I just got here." I see a kid over there getting his ear bit off. Shoo, you harpies! Let me access my email in peace!!

The phone thing is getting on my nervies. Qwest asks me for an advance payment of $26, tells me to go to some place in town, pay the people and then fax them the reciept, there's a bunch of numbers I gotta know, so I go to the place, the lady's an asshole, she tells me I need more numbers, I'm still confused... So anyway today I'm going to call Qwest and tell them "Yeah, I'm seein who my friends are, mo fo, but I ain't goin to no Check for Cash crap to pay you." I don't know if you understood any of that, but just know that I'm

I think I see an impatient student setting up a sniper rifle, so I guess I should leave this computer. Oh but oh! I'm adding some links to my boyz' pages. Check those out if you haven't. (down at the bottom of this here page)

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