Thursday, March 18, 2004

finals over.

I thought I'd write about eye-glasses today, and how I love them. I do not wear any kind of prescription glasses, but I've always wanted at least a pair of reading glasses that I could put on every now and then when I wanted to change my look.

Why do I love glasses? I don't know. I guess because they carry so much background. They can be interpreted so many ways, and leave so many different impressions. A pair of glasses can completely alter how someone looks, and change how others percieve them. Just look at Superman - he puts on a pair of glasses and immediately he transforms from a dashing, extroverted hero into a sensitive, introverted businessman.

Glasses have as much subconscious image power as a cigarette, but most would assume that the two have the opposite effect. So what happens when you mix the two seemingly polar symbols? You get the "Luke Wardlaw", a style that is soft-spoken and intelligent yet sharp and rebellious. I recall the image of Max Fischer from Rushmore when he becomes depressed and isolated. His glasses retain the nerdy, attempted-overachiever look, but that look is bent by the cigarette into the image of a nerdy, attempted over-achiever who has been slugged by life.

But I'm not promoting cigarettes here. I'm promoting the glasses. Part of what makes them great is that you can mix them with different fashions and styles and create something new. Take Elvis Costello: put glasses on punk and you get new wave (or use goggles if you're Mark Mothersbaugh). Tom Cruise wore those stylish frames in the first Mission Impossible, and they somehow made him more of a badass. Just imagine, readers at home, putting glasses on a cowboy, or a commando, or a spaceman, or a boxer...which may be a tad unrealistic, but it's still interesting!

Glasses were integral to Elton John's early rock persona, and apparently he actually became nearsighted as a result of wearing his reading glasses too often. I read that he started wearing glasses because he wanted to be like Buddy Holly, whose trademark was his specs and who once told his mother "If people are going to like me, they’re going to have to like me with my glasses on."

Girls look great in glasses. A pair of glasses can give a beautiful girl a sense of modesty, and a charm that comes from a sense of hidden beauty (which isn't really hidden at all- it's just the slight extra prominence given to the girl's eyes). Two of the girls I've dated have worn glasses; another one had a pair of reading glasses, and I literally did a backflip when I found out, but she refused to wear them. When will modern women learn to reject the standards of beauty and love their glasses? I do!

Maybe this post has given those of you who wear glasses a little self-esteem boost, and good for that. As for standard news, my finals are finished and my spring break has officially begun. Not that I have any spans. ...That is a genuine misspelling of 'plans'. .... ..I have nothing more to say.

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