Monday, March 29, 2004

"Don't you lay a bullet on those martians."

Classes and such begin again. That's all I will say about that.

Yesterday was a good day, full of things. Captain A and the Sounds of B took some fantastic pictures for a website that y'all may be seeing soon. Then myself and the Andy made a movie about martians and Snake Eyeses, and a short feature about what the moon astronauts will do all day (featuring me in a helmet).

And last night I saw Liars at the WOW Hall, a band which became one of my very favorites when I saw them perform two years ago. Since then they have lost their bassist and replaced their drummer, and actually sound quite different, but not in a bad way. They're still just a group of guys making great noisy noise. I was also pleased to read that their new album is a concept album about witch folklore, and I love concept albums. I was further pleased to read that lead singer Angus was somewhat inspired by the sounds of Matmos, an electronic group I enjoy, while he was hanging around on the Bjork tour. And I was even further pleased by this quote from Angus about the band's evolution: "It's not like the next record is going to be scary and weird...We could easily make a Japanese pop record next time." I love how everything in my music world ties together so well.
After last night's show I shook Angus's hand and then talked about the city of Eugene with Aaron the guitarist, Chad, some guy in a grey sweatshirt, and a guy who called himself "black unicorn". Yes, we all laughed at him.

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