Saturday, August 23, 2003

Pt. 2: Square Cars

I greet you again from the land of square cars. I say so because almost everyone in Japan has a compact, cubic automobile. I have seen many Mini Coopers (none of them new models), and a couple strange little 3-wheel scooter cars.

Yesterday I visited the ocean with Natsuki, her friend Shinji, her father and some of his friends. It was fun, aside from all the water-crashing. I rode an inflated banana boat, which involved inevitable crashing, but it was still fun. Then there was the sea-doo crash. I don't know, but something about hitting the water face first at 70mph and struggling to breath afterwards put me off water crashing for the rest of the day. But the water was nice; not too cold.

Today I hung out with Natsuki and Chiaki (her friend, not sister of the same name). We went to a pretty deserted shrine and a mall, which were both very interesting. We went to a store in the mall which sold a bunch of crazy Japanese stuff, kind of like a mixture of Spencer Gifts (minus the prevalent bad taste), Hot Topic, and a hip bookstore. Then we stopped by those photo booths that Japanese girls base their lives around and took some silly pictures.

Well, it's bed time now. I'll post later.

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