Sunday, July 13, 2003

The Plum Frog

Since everyone is using the term "blog" as a shortening of "weblog" nowadays, I am going to be different and call this page my "eblo" from now on. Doesn't it sound more ethnic?

So last night I had this dream. I can't remember all of it, but the first part dealt with me finding a little tiny pond creature and taking it home as a pet. Chad told me it would die soon, but we were both surprized at how long it ended up living. What started out as a little planaria-type thing grew into more of a frog type thing, with amazing tree climbing abilities. I had him on an exclusive plum diet. He would climb trees and eat plums and I would stand below and say "that's a good frog-pond-thing." Then I ended up being on the news for having this creature that climbed trees and ate plums; I guess it was considered extraordinary in the dream world.

The second half of the dream involved me and some other students taking some sort of tour around a surreal college campus. We all had boxes of Triscuits, and this other guy kept looking at my box in a suspicious manner. I never found out what his problem was.

Recently I've been browsing other people's blogs. Other people are so interesting.

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