Monday, January 09, 2006

the boyhood disease.

Do Teachers Dislike Boys?

I just read this article and thought I would link to it because, shucks folks, I'm fascinated by gender studies and the psychological differneces between males and females. The subject is one of those, like music and art, that I frequently ponder. At times people have called me sexist, but that is not necessarily the case; do I dislike women or do I envy them? And is it possible for a man to be sexist against men for a change? Discuss.

As for the article above, in my personal experience I never felt that I was disliked by my teachers. In fact, I recall most of my elementary school teachers praising me for being so quiet and obedient. But the article does bring up some good points: seeing as how the position of elementary school teacher is a stereotypically feminine career, what can be said of the learning environment created in a women-dominated institution? Not to say that it would be an inherently bad environment, but consider the fact that girls are more likely to conform and follow authority than boys are. Perhaps my teachers were only proud of me because I was behaving more like the girl students (how dare they!!) than the boys. Those boys, with their jovial manner and boisterous tendencies! Such troublemakers, they are! Then again, further down the road it is the extroverts and the socialites that get ahead in the working world. The quiet, thoughtful man is not the man who gets the job.

Anyway, your homework is to read the article and come back next time ready to share your thoughts and impressions.

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