by Caws Pobi
I figured it high time to let you all in on what I've been up to lately in my music makings. Yes, I'm working on the "new album", but by "new album" I don't mean that everything is completely organized so that I can pop it out all at once. By album I mean a general theme that drives my creativity for a period of time. When (if) I finish all the songs that are born out of this idea, I will put them all on a CD and Tristan will make some nice artwork for it and then you'll have your album.
The album's name is Synestheseus. What the hell does that mean, you ask?
synesthesia - A condition in which one type of stimulation evokes the sensation of another, as when the hearing of a sound produces the visualization of a color
Theseus - Greek hero and king of Athens. He is credited with many great adventures and feats, such as killing the Minotoar, in addition to being a fine politician. In his later life, however, he became an idiot and got himself killed, and nobody really cared.
I just like the way the two words fit together, and this new word suggests a kind of ancient visual/musical hero who enchants the people with his visible music only to get too big for his britches and end up dead. I like this character, and figured I'd name the album after him.
The word synesthesia also fits in with the psychedelic theme that I've been playing with. Seeing as how I've been studying psychedelic art all term for one of my classes, I've been more inspired by the artwork of people like Peter Max, Victor Moscoso and Heinz Edelmann than by the music of, say, the Strawberry Alarm Clock. But I have been listening to plenty of "mind-revealing, soul manifesting" music. I also realized that this whole genre isn't too far from what I've always been doing. I mean, writing crazy songs with senseless words and bizarre noises isn't really a departure for me, it's just that now I'm doing it with a certain aesthetic in mind. Although I have to say the new songs are quite different from anything I've done before, simply because I'm writing actual songs and making them sound like I want them to sound. This is the stuff I've wanted to make for a long time but for some reason or another was unable to.
Hopefully Cody and I will renovate the music page soon and put up some new singles, so you can all hear about things. Feather pink revolvers. Sweet Organic children. Twisted lines of broken signs that lead you down a well to a blue barrier garden, teeming with sugar-fed iron animals. A colorless sky with purple clouds, shooting star eyelids and bouncing suns. The thoughts and tastes of a thick tongue which licks the flowers awake. A collective albeit being worth seeing, and another the exploding frip-frap thunder clap.
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