Friday, February 11, 2005

I love stupid personality quizzes.

Today I was paroosing blogs and links and I came across a random personality quiz, having something to do with long-term relationships. If I were actually in one, I probably would be touchy about being quizzed over myself. But I'm not. So I gave it a shot. Here are some things I learned about myself:

- You are a hard nut to crack. You have a wicked sense of humor. Despite your reserved nature, you are more comfortable (and successful) in the meeting and courting mode than you are in a long term relationship. You feel misunderstood, and usually you are.
Hit the nail on the head, except for the 'successful' part.

- When you're in a good mood, you're funny, fascinating and a sexy firecracker, but when you're in a bad mood you are moody, broody and impatient. If you had your way, even in a long term relationship you would have enough time apart to deal with your bad moods yourself; unfortunately, it rarely works that way.
Don't I know it. And I love the term "sexy firecracker".

- Don't pair up with someone who'll make sexual demands of you. That's just not going to fly at all.
Wait, it won't?

- Of the 197012 people who have taken this quiz, 5.3 % are this type.
Yeah. That figures.


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