Thursday, July 29, 2004

"Pop-a-shot basketball at O'Brien's!"

I have some links for you today. First, here is an article about a group in South Africa that stares at criminals as a way of fighting crime.  They just stare, menacingly.  The silliest part is, it's apparently working.  "50 shops and local businesses have re-opened and criminal gangs have moved out of the area."  How is this working??  I figure it's only a matter of time before some genius gang leader realizes that the best way to neutralize the threat of some old geezer glaring at you is to punch him in the face.  Better yet, just give him the "are you lookin' at me?" routine.  Don't they have DeNiro movies in South Africa?  It's called intimidation, people!!

My second link is an essay I found outlining the genius of my favorite commercials ever. Strangely enough, they were Nike commercials, but they were faaan-tastic.


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