Tuesday, February 07, 2006

we are ze robots.

Spectacular Chair Pusher Gundam SXV22 GO!

I just loved this article: Japanese Working on Robot Butler

He may look like a intergalactic battle mech from some anime show, but this advanced humanoid robot doesn't shoot any lazers into giant alien eyeballs. Instead, "
he willingly turns on the television with a chest-mounted remote control, and brings a can of drink for you." In other words, he's a bitch-bot. Now all of Japan's hard working robot scientists can sit down on the couch while their creations bring them a beer and turn on the Tigers game. I also like the added touch of the robot repeating your commands, no matter how menial they are.
"Turn on the TV, robot."
"I will turn on the TV."
"Now make me a sandwich, robot."
"I will make you a sandwich."

I know they're just robots, but I still imagine them eventually getting fed up with their commands.
"Now put the sandwich into my mouth and pat my head, robot."
I will put the goddamn sandwich into your mouth and pat your stupid head."

I think part of it has to do with the way they made the robot look, and I mean like a
badass super lazer defender robot. This thing comes off the line thinking it's going to be saving the galaxy, and then finds itself making trips to the fridge. But hey, it's still cool that Japan is actually making robots. Sure, America makes robots too, the kind that blow your kneecaps off, but have you seen what they're doing in Japan? It's almost Bladerunner over there. Dig this-

Asimo - Asimo is just rad. I mean, look! He's playing soccer! And, like, a million people showed up to see the game! That's progress.

Nuvo - In addition to looking cool ( a bit reminiscent of Miyazaki's cartoon robot), these things can dance, which makes them a hundred times cooler. And Endgadget.com even calls them "a great alternative to procreation." You see? Who needs kids when we can have little dancing robots?

Aibo puppys - The Aibo is the world's leading robot dog, if you can believe there is such a thing. Did you know: the Aibo's robo-dog sounds were designed and programmed by the progressive electronic musician Nobukazu Takemura. No, you didn't know. Now you do.

Posy - You may have seen these in the deleted scene from Lost In Translation. Pretty sleek, but a little creepy. I would pee my pants if I found one in my hallway.

Actroid - This robot girl was created by the Kokoro company, which also makes big Tyrannosaurus Rex robots. But nobody cares about those. You can make a thousand lifelike T-Rex robots, but you won't get worldwide attention until you make a girl-in-a-skirt robot.

Ayumi Hamasaki - Actually, most people in Japan believe this is a real person, but I don't buy it. Ayumi Hamasaki is totally artificial. You know how dogs can sense if another dog is real or fake? Well, I think humans can do that to, and this 'famous pop star' just doesn't register on my human scale. She must have Sony written on her somewhere.

Now I would like to point out this:

This robot was made in China. Now, I know a robotic cowboy seems like a cool idea, but we needn't forget the horrible consequences of such a creation escaping human control. To China, I give this message of warning:


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