Another Green Whirl"It was all or nothing. I would embrace my unemployability. I would add to the sum total of mystery in the world. I would build up a personal mythology, useless for all practical purposes and yet obscurely charismatic. My work and my life would offer succour to a tiny band of troubled souls who would, for reasons known only to themselves, seek me out. I would become a minor Greek god or I would die in the attempt, with the sound of the world's mocking laughter ringing in my ears as I plummeted like Icarus to the rocky sea below."
Today was the last day of my last art class. All I have now is to complete my online psychology course. Then my college experience is over.
I'm trying not to let it hit me. I don't feel nearly ready enough to go from something to nothing, which is probably behind my lapses into depression over these recent months. But I'm keeping my chin up. In this post-graduation pre-diploma period, I want to link you to Momus's 2002 essay
Another Green World. I've linked to it before, long ago, but I feel that now it holds some kind of relevance.
In other news, my music making has reached a standstill due to technical difficulties in my bedroom studio. Sure, I can still record to some extent, but the last two songs I wanted to complete for Synestheseus have been put on indefinite hold. They may just have to go into storage for a while, and someday in the future they will see the light of day. In the meantime I just want to put a lid on this album and move on to other concepts.
Anyhoo, more stuff later. Holla.