Wednesday, April 16, 2008

post something new!

Someone gave the above request recently, so here is something actually rather old, but probably new to you; Alan Watts A Conversation With Myself from 1971.

I haven't been posting recently because I'm not really in a comfortable position to observe and analyze things. Portland is difficult. Transportation is inconvenient, work is scarce, the job I have managed to catch is frustrating, and I have only just figured out a living situation. I can't write about what I see now, because my perception is skewed; all I see are dead ends and cold, wet streets. I'm bogged down by the albatross of uncertainty and the crown of doubt.

If and when things pick up, maybe I will start posting again. In the meantime, admire Watts's orange shirt and think about wiggly nature.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Portland is a vampire to you. I liked Alan Watts, so I watched the rest of his conversations with himself. And I drew a picture of him on the back of a notecard. "I find myself in an amazing brain." You'll see it this summer.


Anonymous said...

hey there brett i see ya lookin down; don't wanna see my little buddy down with a frown...just casue i get more women than you its only cause they don't know you like i do; don't let anyone tell ya you're not humpable casue your bumpable hope this doen'st make you feel uncomforatble- brett you got it goin' on! cheer up -gieselle

Anonymous said...

post something new!

Anonymous said...

For God's sake Brett it is September. Find something to talk about.