Wednesday, February 07, 2007

my alarm clock is a bomb.

A paranoid Boston officer uses a stick to remove a light-up Err while peeing his pants.

Campaign Triggers Boston Bomb Scare.

Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis called it "unconscionable" that the marketing campaign was executed in a post 9/11 era. "It's a foolish prank on the part of Turner Broadcasting," he said. "In the environment nowadays ... we really have to look at the motivation of the company here and why this happened."

Ignigknok and Err, looking like bombs. "On the moon, we have advanced beyond rules and manners."

"It had a very sinister appearance. It had a battery behind it, and wires."
-Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley

Let me present a little story problem:
1. Say there is a guy who really likes Pokemon, and just as a silly joke one day he places a little Pokemon toy on top of his neighbor's car. The neighbor comes out to go to work and finds the toy on his car. He's never heard of Pokemon, in spite of their popularity with his own children, because he spends all his time watching the terror alerts on Fox News. He could just drive to work, but he sees that the toy has wires and a battery, and he remembers that terrorists are everywhere in this post-9/11 world, waiting to destroy America, and we must all live in fear of them to be good citizens. So instead of going in to work, he calls the police and the bomb squad, and his whole neighborhood is evacuated, and his place of work cannot function without him being there, and his whole district of town is essentially shut down until the Pokemon fan is detained and he explains that it is just a damn toy.
A. Who can be blamed for the widespread panic?
B. Who cares?

Extra Credit:
List 10 things found in your own home that Boston authorities would think are bombs. You can list more than 10, but be aware that you are a threat to national security.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.