Friday, September 08, 2006

renob control in Austin.

So Renob Control went to the Austin, Texas Out of Bounds improv/sketch comedy festival.


The festival was held in the Hideout Cafe & Theater. Our performance? We kicked balls. Brought the house down. Caused a couple laughing-induced heart attacks.

And what goes great with sketch comedy and shaky improv? Drinking! Every night! Here we are at the Spider House with our one-man host family, and member of The Plurals, Adam Hilton.

That goofy guy in the red is Orf, who was our personal caddy and all around great bloke. And in that picture above, most of you probably just see me crouching next to some colored balls in somebody's backyard. You don't see the champion of an hour long bacci ball game which ended with this first-time player scoring a miraculous point over his opponents, breaking a tie and bringing home the gold.

More drinking and merriment with some Texans.

The trip ended with a big ol' mini-golf tournament with all the performers. Here we are golfing ...y' a wacky manner.


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