Monday, April 03, 2006

neu songs & spectral locomotives.

First of all, if you haven't yet, you gotta check out that last link I put up. It's one of those shining stars of the internet.

Now that I have my neu apartment and my DIY studio set up again, I'm working on a neu album, and I have a brand neu song up on my Caws Pobi page. The title I pulled from an old Elton John lyric (though my song isn't about Sir Elton). The samples I use in the song are from Ennio Morricone's soundtrack for Dedicated to the Aegean Sea, a mildly sexploitative Italian-Japanese 1979 film. I haven't seen the movie, but the music sure is funky.

A vanguard of innovative production methods, Morricone incorporated a lot of electronics into his soundtracks as his career progressed. He said this: "In my opinion, the use of electronic music and synthesizers should serve to change the concept of the music itself. One is dealing with a different kind of music here, something that is born from the instrument itself, full of new sounds and colors." I like that.

(No naked women were squished in the making of this music.)

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