Monday, January 31, 2005


So I lost my watch, and it has had a significant impact on my life. My watch was a part of me, virtually a digital time-keeping implant on my wrist that I counted on to always be there. Putting it on was the first thing I did in the morning, taking it off the last thing I did at night. I have developed a reflex of looking at my arm whenever I need to know the time or date or day of the week, and let me tell you it is ridiculous and frustrating to continue doing it only to find myself looking at my bare arm. I don't have the same concept of time anymore. I have been late for several classes. I don't even know offhand when the first of the month will roll around so I can pay my rent (I must search for a calendar, or ask another watch-blessed person for the date). I've had my little Timex Expedition since high school, and it has treated me well. Its face stayed bright through thick and thin. It welcomed my little customizations such as black marker and staples. It will be missed.

So...I guess I need to go buy a cheap watch. Any ideas?

I've grown occustomed to your face...

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