Sunday, February 08, 2004

an emerging elf and a glowing mule.

I fixed a link, so now the Stinger picture in my last post works. Check it out if you haven't yet.

Yesterday saw music making. Captain A and the Sounds of B met at my 'retirement home' studio to produce 11 songs for a little 22-minute album. It turned out quite well. The tracks (I will upload a song or two later, so check back for links):
Day of Departure
Bottle of Kids
David Coppafeel interlude
Dog & Chicken
The Escape (blew up!)
The Gregarious Greeks
Bogart's Report
Victoria's Dance party
The 3rd Movement
Chocolate Factory

Homemade post-modernism! Unrestrained by thoughts of decency or music theory! Senseless words put to a senseless tune! Background noise of an insinuated dirigable! Overlapping butchered stories from the New Yorker! Fake video game music! Randall Cunningham! A song inspired by Russian politics with mostly jibberish lyrics (and the unintentional dog-kicking sound)! Dancing! All in good fun!

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