Monday, November 05, 2007

woman shall inherit the earth.

I just read this interesting/troubling little article: Are Boys An Endangered Species?

The focus of the article is on a couple populations of indigeonous peoples, whose diets of local chemically contaminated foods are resulting in less boys being born. The disturbing angle is that this may be a forecast for a global problem, as hinted in the last line: In the United States, more boys are being born than girls, but the gap between the two has declined in the last 30 years.

From an evolutionary standpoint, an even balance between boys and girls is not necessarily required to sustain population. As long as some boys continue to be born, and we rely on Dr. Strangelove's mating ratio of 10 females to each male, we should be alright. ...More than alright, if you're one of the lucky endangered males.

Perhaps this is the beginning of the end. Maybe that's how humanity will go out; men will slowly die off until we are left with a woman-dominated earth (a world with terrible television, a world of global emotional paranoia, where wars are all passive aggressive and casualties are all from a knife in the back), whose inhabitants will no doubt attempt to create artificial insemination machines to completely replace the role of man in reproduction. But the irony will be that, since all the asian men have gone extinct, there will be no one to repair these machines when they break down, and eventually the women will go the way of the men. And what will be left? That's right; cockroaches and Keith Richards.

They live!

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